Pack Walks



What is a Pack Walk?

A pack walk is one of the best activities your dog can be a part of- dog's are naturally pack animals. They are able to influence and learn new behaviors from each other much faster than learning from humans. Our walks exercise your dog while promoting calm behavior in various environments. All breeds & ages welcome!

-The walks are 1hr. in duration-

Benefits of Pack Walks:



✓ Socialization

✓ Exposure to new sights, sounds, and smells

✓ Proper leash etiquette

✓ Overall better behaved, less destructive pets

*All dog's are evaluated prior to joining the pack- if your pup requires a bit more work before they can join the pack, we will schedule some 1 on 1 walks. 





(2x per week requirement) | 60min in duration, includes pick up & drop off, your dog may be gone for up to 3-4hrs.



Current Pack Walk Schedule:




8:30am-9:30am: Pick-up

9:30-10:30am: Walk

10:30-12pm: Drop off